Some great L.A. museum exhibitions are opening later this month including a Jasper Johns show at The Broad which I can’t wait to see. In the meantime, I’m recommending a few PST:LA/:LA exhibitions that are still&hellip
Tagged By Pacific Standard Time
April 2012 Museum Activities for Kids and Adults
Spring is finally here, and April’s Museum Stories calendar is full of springtime things to do in Los Angeles. You’ll find plenty of creative ways to keep the kids busy over Spring Break, and throughout&hellip
The Getty’s PST Exhibition for Kids: Highlights and Activities
Have your children ever seen a tap dancing sculpture or clouds trapped inside a box? Well, those are just a few of the engaging works of art your family will discover at the Getty Museum’s Pacific Standard&hellip
Behind the Scenes: Getty “Kalpa” Opening Night for PST Festival
No question about it. Butoh master Oguri is one of the most incredible performers I’ve ever seen. So when I heard Oguri would be dancing in Hirokazu Kosaka’s site-specific performance Kalpa at the Getty Center, I rushed&hellip
January 2012 L.A. Museum Events for Kids and Adults
My New Year’s resolution this year? Not that different from last year really — go out and do more fun, creative, and artful activities. And not just with my kids. This year, I want to&hellip
October 2011 Museum Kids Activities Calendar
In keeping with October’s Halloween theme, this month’s calendar is a monster! But in a good way. The calendar is just bursting with family fun activities at Los Angeles art museums. And that’s not only&hellip