The Hammer Museum’s kicking off the month of August with two family programs this weekend, a free movie matinee and a kid’s workshop. Sunday, the Hammer presents their third and final summer “Family Flick “Toby Tyler”(1960). A film&hellip

The Hammer Museum’s kicking off the month of August with two family programs this weekend, a free movie matinee and a kid’s workshop. Sunday, the Hammer presents their third and final summer “Family Flick “Toby Tyler”(1960). A film&hellip
Believe it or not, it’s the last week of July. But you still have time to try several activities closing this month. This weekend marks the last “Stories’round the (Flashlight) Campfire” family event at LACMA, which&hellip
Well the 405 Freeway closure was shorter than expected and it actually reduced traffic in some areas of the city. The Getty Center Museum and the Skirball Cultural Center are open again, and our art&hellip
Will the closure of the 405 freeway (aka “carmageddon”) cramp L.A.’s museum style this week? Well, as far as the city’s museums are concerned, no way! L.A. museums will be open during the 405 closure July&hellip
Do you have a list of special things you’d like to do with your kids this summer? I do, and as summer charges along, I’m noticing that I still haven’t gotten to most of them&hellip
Can you believe the school year is almost over! If you’re still looking for kids’ activities this summer, I just discovered a summer camp at the Craft and Folk Art Museum (CAFAM) and the Peterson Automotive&hellip